BalTec orbital riveting graph explaining the motion


Orbital riveting is different to the radial riveting procedure and is much smoother than impact pressing.

Controlling the flow of material with the orbital process is limited. Additionally, there is a constant lateral force present while forming, which requires for the work piece to be supported quite well. The circular movement of the forming tool creates a crescent-shape like contact area on the rivet which results in considerable surface friction. The forming is effected around the riveting head.

Caption: One riveting die A rotates in a circular path K at approx. 1000 rpm in such a way that the longitudinal axis of the riveting die intersects the rivet at point N. Deformation of the rivet is therefore carried out in concentric paths around the centre of the rivet

A =   forming tool axis
K =   Path of forming tool
N =   Forming surface @ constant angl
KF = contact surface or area

Forming Tools and Profiles


The free height (H) and the tool length (Ls) result from the two different angles of inclination available (3° or 5°) of the orbital.

Legend orbital riveting head:
1 = tool holder
2 = orbital head-housing
3 = riveting tool

baltec graphic of orbital riveting head





length Ls
height H
diam.-Ø Ds
Angle of
 inclination α
  EN/ENE   20, 20R, 35
  EO           30
Orbital   84 28 20
    116 60 20
  EO           03, 15     54 28 10
    54 28 10


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On the following video clips you can recognize that the riveting tool is rotating – not so in radial riveting.

Example of orbital riveting with a flat tool. The rotation of the rivet is clearly visible.

Orbital riveting with a flat cambered tool.

This video shows an orbital riveting process with a high cambered tool.

Rivets are used in permanent connections of sheets in a variety of constructions. Riveting or cold-forming processes are the most significant methods of joining materials used in various industries, especially for applications in automation, electronics, hardware and for medical devices.

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